Introduction to Radicalisation

This course is perfect if you want to increase your organisation’s awareness of the complexities of radicalisation and extremism.

Participants on this course will be provided with a thorough and highly up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the following areas :

Contemporary radicalisation trends for all forms of extremism.

Typical radicalisation risk factors for individuals, for example, mental health and isolation.
The push and pull factors for radicalisation.

How people are radicalised online through social media and gaming.

How contemporary cultural and political issues are exploited by extremist individuals and groups to promote grievances.

How fake news and conspiracy theories are promoted to radicalise individuals.

The link between radicalisation and violent extremism.


The length of this course is a full day.

Aimed at:

This training is aimed at diverse organisations including, the Police, Local Authorities, Youth Justice Services, Probation Services, Social Care and educational establishments.

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