Gaming and Radicalisation

This training session is designed to raise awareness of how gaming culture is being exploited by different types of extremist groups and influencers.

The training will provide awareness of :

  • How gaming culture is being exploited by extremists to radicalise people.
  • How specific games have been modified and designed so that people are introduced to extremist narratives.
  • An overview of different platforms that are used predominantly for gaming but are hijacked to promote extremism.
  • How extremists exploit gaming culture which then influences their production of memes and propaganda.
  • The context of misogyny within gaming subcultures and how this can used by extremists.
  • Current research into how gaming habits can influence different types of radicalisation.



The length of this course is 2 hours.

Aimed at:

This training is aimed at diverse organisations including, the Police, Local Authorities, Youth Justice Services, Probation Services, Social Care and educational establishments.

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